

Projects Step one: The idea:

A little program for your individual learning in Languages. Meaning you have your own pictures, description of words, phrases, etc. , and soon maybe sounds. Which is from my point of you the most effective way to learn a language:

To combine it with things you are used to like... Your own cat, apple whatever. This program will allow you to combine your definition with an own picture of something familiar.

The next days, I´ll post a screenshot of that program for you.


I like russian. I learn it myself, but this kyrillic is on the one hand quite difficult for beginners, on the other hand it is a problem to give the user the option to write real russian in that program. I have to fix this but I do not know how at the moment.

Today: 11.18

I added the option to easily add pictures from your Computer. As well, there is the option to rename them.

Next Problem: It is not working on PCs without VSC++, respectively without two dlls("msvcp100d.dll" and "msvcr100d.dll"), which you have to install in "%homedrive%/Windows/system32/" or in "%homedrive%/Windows/SysWOW64"

Here are the links for the dlls:

Finally, I made it. You can download the program including the images. On the top of this site by clicking on "Downloads" ;)

Mail to me.
English. Language

French. Language

Spanish. Language
CEO: coming soon || mail-to: